How to use delegates in C#

A simple guide to using delegates in C#.

It should be suitable for anybody but is particularly aimed at C/C++ programmers who are more used to using function pointers and function objects as a means of passing function parameters.

For the C/C++ equivalent of using callbacks see this link:

Step 1: declare the delegate

public delegate int Transform(int value);

Step 2: create methods for the delegate

public int DoubleValue(int value)
   return value * 2;

public int SquareValue(int value)
   return value * value;

Step 3: Instantiate the delegate and use it

TransformValue doubleValue = DoubleValue;

Full Code listing showing example usage

using System;

namespace Delegates
   internal class Program
      #region Delegates

      public delegate int TransformValue(int value);


      public static int DoubleValue(int value)
         return value * 2;

      public static int SquareValue(int value)
         return value * value;

      private static void Main(string[] args)
         TransformValue doubleValue = DoubleValue;
         TransformValue squareValue = SquareValue;

         const int Value = 10;

         Console.WriteLine("Value doubled = " + doubleValue(Value));
         Console.WriteLine("Value doubled = " + squareValue(Value));

Giving the following output as follows:

