Inserting File Headers using ReSharper Code Cleanup

Step 1: Edit ReSharper Options

In Visual Studio select ReSharper > Options

Select the Code Editing > File Header Text option.

Fill in the File Header text as shown:

Step 2: Update the settings

Select Ctrl + E, Ctrl + C

For my particular setup I needed to create a Duplicate of the built-in Full Cleanup:

So press the Duplicate button

And then click the Configure Button.

Make sure the ‘Update file header’ is checked:

Step 3: Appy it to your code

Open the code. Example:

namespace Model.Application
   public class VisibilitySettings
      public bool TabsVisible { get; set; }
      public bool BrowserVisible { get; set; }
      public bool MenuOptionsVisible { get; set; }
      public bool UpdateUrl { get; set; }
      public string Url { get; set; }

Select Ctrl + E, Ctrl + C

And on applying see that the header text is inserted:

#region (c) 2017 GlobalCorp. All rights reserved.

// This source file is the confidential property and copyright of 
// GlobalCorp plc.
// Reproduction or transmission in whole or in part, in any form or 
// by any means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise, is prohibited
// without the prior written consent of the copyright owner.


namespace Model.Application
   public class VisibilitySettings
      public bool TabsVisible { get; set; }
      public bool BrowserVisible { get; set; }
      public bool MenuOptionsVisible { get; set; }
      public bool UpdateUrl { get; set; }
      public string Url { get; set; }

To apply the changes folder-wide or application ride, simply select the item in Visual Studio and then apply Ctrl + E, Ctrl + C.
