Using BoostPro to install Boost library packages

UPDATE 15 February 2014: BoostPro is no more. You may find this alternative post useful in setting up the Boost libraries that require separate compilation.

A number of Windows-based Boost libraries are not “header-only” and require that you must get them compiled. One way is to compile them yourself. A possibly easier way is to do this via the prebuilt installer packages from BoostPro.
Say for example you wish to use the Boost serialize facilities in your program:

#include <boost/archive/text_oarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/text_iarchive.hpp>

Until you have installed the serialize package you will probably get the following error message when trying to use the above headers:

fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'boost/archive/text_oarchive.hpp': No such file or directory

To resolve this using BoostPro, go to the downloads page and obtain the installer that is appropriate for the version of Boost you are using, in may case version 1.46.1:

Once downloaded, accept the licence agreements etc and work through the wizard, eventually to selecting the default variants:

And then choose which of the Boost components you want to be installed:

And then finish the remainder of the installation:

The last stage in getting the Boost serialize to work is to then set the Visual Studio properties, in the form of the additional include and library directories. In Visual Studio 2010 and onwards, these can be set globally in the VC++ Directories settings in the configuration properties:
