Getting started with Aurelia JS

A cut-down version of the quickstart tutorial given at Aurelia’s official site:

The Aurelia CLI has a pre-requisite, Node.js. Get it from here:

Step 1: Download the Basic Aurelia Project Setup

Get the zip file from this link:

Step 2: Create a project

In Windows Explorer create a directory for your Aurelia project:

Extract the files from the basic Aurelia project setup and paste them into here:

Step 3: Create an example Todo.js class

In the src/ folder insert the following code for todo.js


export class Todo {
    constructor(description) {
      this.description = description;
      this.done = false;

Step 4: Add the app.js class

In the src/ folder add the following app.js file:


import {Todo} from './todo';
  export class App {
    constructor() {
      this.heading = "Todos";
      this.todos = [];
      this.todoDescription = '';
    addTodo() {
      if (this.todoDescription) {
        this.todos.push(new Todo(this.todoDescription));
        this.todoDescription = '';
    removeTodo(todo) {
      let index = this.todos.indexOf(todo);
      if (index !== -1) {
        this.todos.splice(index, 1);

Step 5: Add the main.js class

In the src/ folder add the main.js file:


import {Aurelia} from 'aurelia-framework';
  export function configure(aurelia: Aurelia) {
    aurelia.start().then(() => aurelia.setRoot());

Step 7: Add the app.html


    <form submit.trigger="addTodo()">
      <input type="text" value.bind="todoDescription">
      <button type="submit">Add Todo</button>
      <li repeat.for="todo of todos">
        <input type="checkbox" checked.bind="todo.done">
        <button click.trigger="removeTodo(todo)">Remove</button>

Step 8: Prepare to run the app

In index.html, rename:

scripts/config-typescript.js to scripts/config-esnext.js

As also documented at this StackOverflow link:
Globally install the http-server command using the following command:

npm install http-server -g

Like so:

Step 8: Run the app

Fire up the server from within the folder with the following command:

http-server -o -c-1

Like so:

Observe that when the web server is launched in your browser, your “TODO” text is displayed like so:

Enter a test value into the text box:

And the new checkbox control will get added as shown:

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