Getting started with TypeScript in Visual Studio Code

Some instructions that distill how one may get started with using TypeScript in Visual Studio Code.

Step 1: Set up your development environment

Download and run the installer for Visual Studio Code from the following link:

Step 2: Install node.js

Download and run the installer for node.js from the following link:

Step 3: Install TypeScript

Once node.js has been installed you can install TypeScript.

Close VS Code if opened and open a command prompt and run the command:

npm install -g typescript

(Use the -g to ensure typescript is installed globally, not just for the folder you are in.)

Step 4: Set up an example project

Open VS Code.

Create a new Terminal by selecting Terminal > New Terminal.

Create a directory for your project using the mkdir command and navigate to that folder:

Close the terminal and open the folder you just created by selecting File > Open Folder:

Step 5: Create a new typescript.json file

Run the command:

tsc --init

Alternatively you can create your own tsconfig.json file:

    "compilerOptions": {
        "target": "es5",
        "module": "commonjs",
        "sourceMap": true

Step 6: Create and transpile example helloworld.ts code:

let message : string = "Hello World";

Compile it using the terminal command:

tsc helloworld.tsc

This will generate the file helloworld.js:

var message = "Hello World";

Step 7: Make TypeScript automatically look for and transpile your changes

Select Ctrl + Shift + B

Select tsc:build:

This will automatically trigger the transpilation of ts to js files each time the ts file is changed.
